
Tuesday, 7 June 2011

19 Weeks pregnant

At 19/40 baby is  swallowing amniotic fluid, and the kidneys continue to make urine. Hair on the scalp is sprouting, too. Sensory development reaches its peak this week. The nerve cells serving each of the senses – taste, smell, hearing, seeing and touch – are developing in their specialised areas of the brain. Nerve cell production slows down as existing nerve cells grow larger and make more complex connections. You may begin to feel baby moving around this point

In England (on the NHS) you should of been offered a fetal anomaly scan....it is recommended that this is performed between 18-20+6/40. The purpose of the scan is to check baby's growth and inspect baby for problems. Ultrasound is good but can not pick up all pathology....so please remember a "normal" scan does not exclude some pathology (especially chromosomal abnormalities or cardiac / heart defects).
There are minimum standards / views your anomaly scan should document...these are:-
  1.  Head Circumference = measurement of the head, and the posterior horns of the lateral ventricles of the brain ....this allows the Sonographer to assess for hydrocephaly (water on the brain) amongst other things

2.  Abdominal circumference - a measurement around baby's tummy
3. Femoral length - a measurement of thigh bone
Other things which are assessed during this scan include : - the posterior fossa of the brain, 4 chamber heart and out flow tracts, stomach, kidneys, bladder, abdominal wall (where the cord goes in), face / lips, spine and limbs.

The Gender of your baby is not part of the fetal anomaly check - however in most hospital if you ask the Sonographer they will look for you.....just remember no Sonographer will give you a guarantee!


We will be happy to perform this check, and maybe we will also be able to get a glimpse of baby in 4D too....
www.firstchoicebabyscan.co.uk www.firstchoicebabyscan.com

or follow us on Facebook  http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/First-Choice-Baby-Scan/186459991372366

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